Sriracha, the eastern center for industrial hub and international living
Sriracha is one of the districts in Chonburi province on the eastern shore of Thailand. With over 10 industrial estates and factories such as Mitsui, Bridgestone, Toyota, Hitachi, Sony, Mitsubishi, Itochu, MASA, PASON, and many more, the area becomes the center for foreign workers, especially the Japanese. Most of the foreign workers arrive in Sriracha with their family and stay for 1 to 7 years. The number of Japanese in Sriracha is estimated at 8,000 to 10,000. With a high number of Japanese in the area, Sriracha is dubbed, “Little Osaka” of Thailand. Plenty of great tasting Japanese cuisine are available in Sriracha.
Sriracha is central to the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) as the Digital Park Thailand (EECd). The project aims to attract highly technical talents from tech companies around the world such as Microsoft, Siemens, Huawei, Google Cloud, IBM, Pixar, Amazon, Fedex, Dreamworks, Lego, and etc.
The Thai National Strategic Roadmap places Sriracha as the town that effectively blends working and living life together. Aside from offering many job opportunities, Sriracha offers countless amenities ranging from natural landmarks, beaches, shopping malls, hospitals, and over 10 international schools with American, British, and Japanese certified education.

Many branded residence companies opened their service apartments in Sriracha due to the demand from locals and foreigners living in the area. Many of them are investors, businessmen, and workers in industrial estates.

Real estate investment on serviced residence in Sriracha is becoming attractive as it poses better rental yield than the condominiums. The average serviced residence rental yield in the Sriracha area is 5.5% annually, which is comparable to the rental yield in the Bangkok area. Whereas the condominium rental yield is 5.2% annually. It is clear that the rental yield from serviced residence is 0.3% higher than the condominium rental yield.
Condominium monthly rental rate in Sriracha is 270 to 520 baht per sq.m. The resale condominium price is 55,000 to 110,000 baht per sq.m depending on the building condition and location. The capital gain is 3 to 5% annually.
The favorable blend of working and living, and plenty of amenities truly posit Sriracha as an attractive area for living and investing.